Cyber Security Awareness Events
BlueBridge Networks holds regular cyber security awareness events for management, staff and IT professionals.
We are dedicated to making business safer.
Replay our latest webinar.
An Inside Look at Ransomware.
Learn about the current situation on ransomware. The webinar featured a keynote by Michael Brian, FBI.
Previous Events
Stay Safe during Holiday Online Shopping!
The Holiday Season Is Just Around The Corner.. Since the origination of the two largest shopping holidays, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, both have seen an immense amount of growth. Global interest in Black Friday has risen year after year, with an average five-year...
Three Mobile Threats To Watch Out For
Cellphones Have Shaped The Current World. Whether we're talking about a smartphone or tablet, these devices have undeniably changed the the 21st century and it's not going to slow down any time soon. Though while consumers are distracted by having access to a plethora...
Practicing Social Media Hygiene
Social Media Affects Your Career And Your Identity. New research reveals that nearly two thirds of people are embarrassed of past images, posts, and other such content on their respective social media profiles. And to make matters worse, ~34% of those people admit to...
The World of Smart Infrastructure and Security.
With smart infrastructure and automation booming, experts are suggesting for businesses to take cyber security more seriously. Finland is a country considered to be leading the charge to incorporate smart tech into building infrastructure. By adding together...
A Refresher on the Ancient Art of Phishing
Phishing; one of the oldest tricks in the cybercrime playbook. It first hit the digital scene in 1995, at a time when millions flocked to America Online (AOL) every day. If we know one thing about cybercriminals, it’s that they tend to follow the masses....
Cloud Security Best Practices for 2019
How To Protect Your Cloud Data: A guide for businesses in Ohio. 1. Determine which data is the most sensitive. While applying the highest level of protection across the board would naturally be overkill, failing to protect you most sensitive data puts your...