Working from Home: More Prevalent Than Ever

Working from home is more prevalent than ever these days. There is so much to do to implement social distancing, an essential practice during this pandemic. During the rush to get everyone set up, it’s essential that no corners are cut so we can ensure that both our state of mind and online safety aren’t put at risk during such a substantial change in our daily lives.
Social-Distancing: The New Era
Workplaces have already begun instructing their staff to social distance in hopes of “flattening he curve”. While most have this option, it’s far from all. So, even if you are not yet working from home, it’s would be good to start thinking about how our WFH (working from home) lives might look in the foreseeable future while we are practicing social distancing and how can keep our households safe online.
Don’t overwhelm yourself.
It is normal to feel anxious and stressed in times like these, shrouded with great uncertainty. While it is expected that social distancing measures will help reduce the impact of COVID-19, the truth is we just don’t really know what the future will hold. Acknowledging that you and your family will be feeling anxious and uncertain is essential. It is important to maintain our relationships as we continue to be cooped up with each other at home.
Think with your head and stay weary!
During stressful times it can be easy for our minds to lose track of rational and logical thinking. Social media has been full of ‘miracle cures’ for COVID-19. Do your best to avoid clicking links and buying into this sort of thing, even if you know they’re fake. There’s a good chance these links forward you to malicious websites designed to extract your private data. If you were indeed looking for knowledge on the virus itself, we instead advise you to seek out advice from reputable medical authorities. Being aware during this time is more important than ever for your cyber-hygiene.
Ensure the validity of all your software and applications.
Before you start downloading applications and software that you think could be helpful to you during this pandemic, check with your workplace or employer about their preferred platforms. Now we understand it’s likely you will already be using the software of their choosing. In the case that you do not, please ensure that you are only seeking out applications and software from reputable sources such as the Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore, or even sites that have been approved by your employer. Third party app vendors are always to be avoided due to the risk of cyber-infection and malicious intent.
Self & Data Protection
We always advise checking whether your employer has a security suite as well as a VPN installed on your work devices. If either this is not the case, or you’re using a personal device for company work, then taking the proper steps to ensure that both your personal data and shared data is protected is essential.
Using a device without proper security is certainly not recommended. Investing in a comprehensive security software solution will protect you in today’s world of increasingly malicious cyberthreats. A VPN is an added tool used to protect the data you share from your devices by creating an encrypted tunnel between your device and your cyber-destination. It’s a very useful tool when it comes to protecting your data from getting into the wrong hands.
Get in the habit of backing up!
We recommend double checking with your employer to ensure that all of your WFH (work from home) data is being backed up. If they cannot guarantee your data will be backed up, then you must find a reliable option for yourself. We recommend consumer backup solutions such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft Onedrive.