Our Blog
We Publish Cloud & Data News For Ohio Business Owners.
The Growing Threat: Ransomware.
Ransomware, which first popped up in 1989, has since evolved and is more prevalent today than ever before. To put it simply, ransomware is malware that employs encryption to lock users out of their device, and/or blocks access to crucial data. A sum of money is then...
Endpoint and the Cloud.
Businesses everywhere are looking to make the move to cloud solutions to improve their data storage strategy. However, many don’t realize that individual endpoint devices act as gateways to the cloud, which makes their security more pressing than ever. In fact, there...
A Crash Course in Analytics.
From smart home applications to autonomous vehicles, automated decision-making is becoming a widespread asset thanks to its efficiency. We expect more and more companies in Ohio to adapt those techniques in the near future. Concepts such as machine learning or A.I....
Data Privacy: Heading into 2020.
The New Decade. It seems 2019 is coming to an end, and with the new decade approaching comes the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and plan for the future. When it comes to cybersecurity, what will 2020 bring? What can users do to ensure that they’re...
Stay Safe during Holiday Online Shopping!
The Holiday Season Is Just Around The Corner.. Since the origination of the two largest shopping holidays, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, both have seen an immense amount of growth. Global interest in Black Friday has risen year after year, with an average five-year...
Three Mobile Threats To Watch Out For
Cellphones Have Shaped The Current World. Whether we're talking about a smartphone or tablet, these devices have undeniably changed the the 21st century and it's not going to slow down any time soon. Though while consumers are distracted by having access to a plethora...